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We were created to shine God's light to the world. 

This is our mission.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp-stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house."

Matthew 5:14-16


Connection with fellow believers and God is the cornerstone of our ministry. In our weekly meetings we spend dedicated time using our gifts and dance technique to worship God. We believe firmly in the directives of the psalms that implore "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" - Psalm 150:6. We pray that the Lord will encourage us all to draw nearer to Him, experiencing His presence, and equipping ourselves with His spirit. Nothing we do as a ministry can flourish without this primary connection to God and His word.


Our older students also spend time in the Bible inside and outside of class. Occasionally they will have assignments that require them to investigate or apply God's Word in their lives. These acts of discipleship are designed to deepen our children in the knowledge and love of God. 


We may also utilize media and experiential exercises to draw near to God. Prayer, music, and stillness are other routes to knowing and hearing from God.


Our passion is to partner with parents as they encourage their children to grow into the unique and beautiful children God has designed them to be inviting their children to taste and see the goodness of God, celebrating their identity as a child of God, helping them seek God in every area of their lives, connecting with God through wholehearted worship, and putting their faith in motion to reach out to others with God's love. 


At the end of every class and before our outreaches and dance offerings the dancers and their teachers huddle together for our cheer. This cheer reminds us who we are, who we are living for, what our mission is, and how we need each other to accomplish it. We say, "One, Two, Three (For the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), Our best for God, Amen, Shine!!  Then we say whatever the theme of the year is, such as "Seek God First!". And finally we say, "Together!"  

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Serving our community is at the heart of Children of the Light Dancers. Throughout each dance session, our dancers prepare dance offerings to present in various community settings. We take our love, energy, and light to nursing care facilities, public squares, downtown D.C., and anywhere we are called during the season. The primary goal in all of our outreaches is to share the love and message of Jesus - that He would be made known. 


City on a Hill and Core team also have other outreach opportunities including serving many under served populations in the metropolitan area. All of our outreaches will be posted in the current dance schedule which is sent out near the start of each dance session.


We want young people to feel safe, loved, encouraged,and connected to one another as brothers and sisters in God's family. First we build bonds of friendship and teamwork among the dancers which gives them a sense of unity and belonging. We learn together that loving one another is a way of loving God too. It is from this "knitted together with God and each other" place that we can step out and reach out to the community beyond the walls of a church building. 


 " I would really like to thank you for all these opportunities (like I can confidently say I’ve been a street missionary since the age of like 6! If that’s not the coolest thing ever I don’t know what is:). And also for creating such a safe environment that’s just so saturated with love and so God-centered. Cotld has been such an important and good influence in my life since literally forever.  Thank you for creating such a safe environment that’s just so saturated with love and so God-centered. COTLD has been such an important and good influence in my life since literally forever." 

- Glorify Dancer


Commitment to future generations of children and dancers is central to our core beliefs. As City on a Hill and Core Team Dancers mature, they have not only acquired dance skills, but also spiritual leadership and discipleship skills. We encourage these developing dancers to serve the ministry by raising up the next generation of Christ followers. Our older students assist our younger dancers in many ways including assisting teachers, instructing dance technique, helping with fundraising, serving under-served populations in the community, and offering their leadership gifts in service to others. 


We are a generational ministry. The continuance of COTLD is dependent on the extended commitment that many of our invested families continue to provide long after their dancers have come through our program. We consider ourselves a dance family - one that continues to grow and flourish. We are always seeking new dancers to care for and to help grow.


We believe that more than inherent dance talent, it is the heart of our dancers that serve this community. A heart can always grow more receptive to God's calling. We believe that when the 

heart leads, the rest will follow. Our dancers grow in depth of expression, technique, and community connection as a direct result of their commitment to following God.

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